La Création comme témoin de ma foi

Watch "The Creation : The Earth is a Witness," a day-by-day account of the biblical creation week, beginning with darkness before God created light and ending with Moses, the author of the Genesis account of creation, and his son, worshipping God on the seventh-day Sabbath. (Genesis 1 :1-31 ; 2 :1-3)
Seventh-day Adventist filmmaker Henry Stober spent four years filming the movie around the world.
La version française du film suit dessous celle-ci.
Une autre version, plus longue et en allemand, en dessous de la française.
english version
from The Adventist Church (Official) Source
version française
... selon la Parole de Dieu citée en Genèse 1 :1-31 et 2 :1-3.
Watch "The Creation : The Earth is a Witness," a day-by-day account of the biblical creation week, beginning with darkness before God created light and ending with Moses, the author of the Genesis account of creation, and his son, worshipping God on the seventh-day Sabbath. (Genesis 1 :1-31 ; 2 :1-3)
Seventh-day Adventist filmmaker Henry Stober spent four years filming the movie around the world.
La version française du film suit dessous celle-ci.
Une autre version, plus longue et en allemand, en dessous de la française.
english version
version française
... une autre version mais en allemand
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