With Donald Trump, Bible Prophecies move faster.
Adventists of the World : this is for You.
FR. « Ils n'ont ni intelligence, ni entendement, car on leur a fermé les yeux pour qu'ils ne voient point, et le coeur pour qu'ils ne comprennent point. » ; « Frères, le vœu de mon coeur et ma prière à DIEU pour eux, c'est qu'ils soient sauvés. Je leur rends le témoignage qu'ils ont du zèle pour DIEU, mais sans intelligence : ne connaissant pas la justice de DIEU, et cherchant à établir leur propre justice, ils ne se sont pas soumis à la justice de DIEU. »
EN. « They do not know nor understand ; for he has shut their eyes, so that they cannot see, and their hearts, so that they cannot understand. » ; « Brethren, my heart’s desire and prayer to GOD for Israel is that they may be saved. For I bear them witness that they have a zeal for GOD, but not according to knowledge. For they being ignorant of GOD’s righteousness, and seeking to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted to the righteousness of GOD. » [Ésaïe 44 :18 ; Romains 10 :1-3]
- IMPORTANT NOTICE : to understand the following video, below, Donald Trump is from the Presbyterian Church.
- INFORMATION IMPORTANTE : pour comprendre la vidéo suivante, ci-dessous, Donald Trump est de l'Église presbytérienne.
Donald J. Trump, Republican Nominee for POTUS1.
Message to Catholics on the Eve of the 2016 Election
(aired on EWTN2)
Message in ENGLISH.
« Catholics are an important part of the American Story. America has been strengthened by hand-working Catholics from New-York to California. The catholic story is truly unique and it's a great story.
From watching for civil rights to educating million of children, serving the poor and helping to find the 'pro-life' movement, clergy and lay Catholics, the country have need countless contributions to the 'American Success' and the American success story.
Washington politicians have been hostile to the Church, they have been hostile to the Catholics, they have been hostile to the members of Catholicism.
My administration will stand side-by-side with the americans Catholics to promote the values we all share as Christians ans American.
GOD bless you, GOD bless the United States of America.
We will make America great again. »
Message en FRANÇAIS.
« Les Catholiques sont une partie importante de l'histoire américaine. L'Amérique a été consolidée par les ouvriers catholiques de New York à la Californie. L'histoire catholique est vraiment unique et c'est une belle histoire.
De veiller aux droits civils à l'éducation de millions d'enfants, de servir les pauvres et d'aider à trouver le mouvement "pro-vie", du clergé aux Catholiques laïcs, le pays a besoin d'innombrables contributions au "succès à l’américaine" et l’histoire de ce succès.
Les politiciens de Washington ont été hostiles à l'Église, ils ont été hostiles aux catholiques, ils ont été hostiles au catholicisme en général.
Mon administration se tiendra aux côtés des Catholiques américains pour promouvoir les valeurs que nous partageons tous comme chrétiens et américains.
Que DIEU vous bénissent, que DIEU bénissent les États-Unis d'Amérique.
Rendons à nouveau à l'Amérique sa splendeur. »
Mike Pence, Vice President-elect. Christian message.
Publiée le 9 nov. 2016 (4:50) vo.en avec possibilité de s.-t. "Vice President elect Mike Pence touching Christian - Church Message"
Following video :
Mike Pence believes in creationism :
Mike Pence believes in creationism :
“I believe that God created the known universe, the earth and everything in it, including man,” Pence said. “And I also believe that someday scientists will come to see that only the theory of intelligent design provides even a remotely rational explanation for the known universe.”
“I would simply and humbly ask, can we teach it as such and can we also consider teaching other theories of the origin of species ?” Pence continued. “Like the theory that was believed in by every signer of the Declaration of Independence. Every signer of the Declaration of Independence believed that men and women were created and were endowed by that same Creator with certain unalienable rights. The Bible tells us that God created man in his own image, male and female. He created them.”
Publiée le 3 août 2016 (4:31) vo.en "Mike Pence Criticizes Theory Of Evolution"
Mike Pence : « Ce dont je suis sûr, c'est que j'ai besoin de Jésus plus que jamais, » citant 2Chroniques 7 :14.
(article de InfoChrétienne -16 nov. 2016- en français, vidéo en anglais, s.-titrage en français.)
Now, the best for real Believers...
Here are the decision-makers for our souls. Here are the Rulers.
The Donald J. Trump campaign has created a new executive board to provide advisory support to the presumptive3 Republican presidential nominee on issues "important to Evangelicals and other people of faith in America."
The make-up of the board includes Jentezen Franklin, Senior Pastor of Free Chapel in Gainesville. Another member with Georgia ties is Ralph Reed, founder of the Christian Coalition, who ran an unsuccessful race for Lt. Governor in 2006.
According to a news release from the Trump camp, the leaders on the executive board were not asked to endorse Trump as a prerequisite for participating on the board.
"Rather," the release states, "the formation of the board represents Donald J. Trump’s endorsement of those diverse issues important to Evangelicals and other Christians, and his desire to have access to the wise counsel of such leaders as needed."
“I have such tremendous respect and admiration for this group and I look forward to continuing to talk about the issues important to Evangelicals, and all Americans, and the common sense solutions I will implement when I am President,” Trump said.
Executive board members include :
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Michele Bachmann - Former Congresswoman |
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A.R. Bernard - Senior Pastor and CEO, Christian Cultural Center |
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Mark Burns - Pastor, Harvest Praise and Worship Center |
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Tim Clinton - President, American Association of Christian Counselors |
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Kenneth and Gloria Copeland - Founders, Kenneth Copeland Ministries Fortune : US$760 millions |
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James Dobson - Author, Psychologist and Host, My Family Talk |
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Jerry Falwell, Jr. - President, Liberty University |
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Ronnie Floyd - Senior Pastor, Cross Church |
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Jentezen Franklin - Senior Pastor, Free Chapel |
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Jack Graham - Senior Pastor, Prestonwood Baptist Church |
Harry Jackson - Senior Pastor, Hope Christian Church |
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Robert Jeffress - Senior Pastor, First Baptist Church of Dallas |
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David Jeremiah - Senior Pastor, Shadow Mountain Community Church |
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Richard Land – President, Southern Evangelical Seminary |
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James MacDonald – Founder and Senior Pastor, Harvest Bible Chapel |
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Johnnie Moore - Author, President of The KAIROS Company |
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Robert Morris - Senior Pastor, Gateway Church |
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Tom Mullins – Senior Pastor, Christ Fellowship |
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Ralph Reed - Founder, Faith and Freedom Coalition, TIME mag. : May 15, 1995 |
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James Robison - Founder, Life OUTREACH International |
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Tony Suarez - Executive Vice President, National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference |
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Jay Strack - President, Student Leadership University |
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Paula White - Senior Pastor, New Destiny Christian Center |
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Tom Winters - Attorney, Winters and King, Inc. |
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Sealy Yates – Attorney, Yates and Yates |
3. This article was written on June 23, 2016
« Que celui qui a des oreilles entende ce que l'Esprit dit aux Églises : Celui qui vaincra n'aura pas à souffrir la seconde mort. »
« He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. He who overcomes shall not be hurt by the second death. » (Ap./Rev. 2 :11)
« Si quelqu'un a des oreilles, qu'il entende ! »
« If anyone has an ear, let him hear. » (Ap./Rev. 13 :9)
FR. Nous savons maintenant que Donald J. Trump (POTUS) encourage le catholicisme, et que cette religion sera LA religion qui mènera le monde. Elle opèrera des changements qui amèneront les VRAIS croyants à prendre position, car la loi du dimanche (appelée aussi "Blue Laws") va très bientôt être mise en vigueur.
EN. We now know that Donald J. Trump (POTUS) encourages Catholicism, and this religion will be THE religion that will lead the world. It will make changes that will cause the TRUE believers to take a stand, because the 'Sunday law' (also called "Blue Laws") will very soon be put into effect.
Publiée le 19 oct. 2014 (4:01) vo.en w. s.-t.-fr. "Sabbat samedi ou dimanche"
Journal : La Libre [Belgique] :
Le retour en force du Créationnisme, avec Ben Carson parmi les nominés du futur gouvernement. (fr)
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ç¹ Video on the left : "The Andrews Experience" -
Dr. Ben Carson 1998 Graduation keynote speaker.
Video published on Oct. 10, 2012
Ajout le 19 nov. 2016 :
September 27, 2015 Steve Wohlberg
SUNDAY LAWFor over 100 years, Seventh-day Adventists have anticipated Sunday legislation in fulfillment of end-time prophecy. In 1888, a Sunday law movement arose in America, but it died. The time was not yet. Today, many among us doubt whether such a prediction will ever occur. Haven’t times changed? Yes, they have, but God’s “sure word of prophecy” (King James Version, 2 Peter 1:19) hasn’t. We must open our eyes, for a Sunday law movement has again resurfaced—led by Pope Francis—and daily grows in strength.By the time you read this, Pope Francis has already arrived in America for speeches in Washington D.C., New York, and Philadelphia. As you are about to see, this Pope is pushing Sunday, and he isn’t alone. This article is designed to be a valuable resource for Adventists. With divine insight, Ellen White wrote in “The Great Controversy” that eventually :… as the question of enforcing Sunday observance is widely agitated, [and] the event so long doubted and disbelieved is seen to be approaching, [then] the third message will produce an effect which it could not have had before (605).
On this page you will find the latest news relating to the national and international Sunday law, which is the mark of the beast. If you come across any Sunday law news that isn't listed below then please feel free to email us and let us know ... (mail@endtimes-bibleprophecy.com). Thank you.Blue laws (national Sunday laws) are already on the law books across America and …
Paris climate change agreement enters into FORCE and becomes LEGALLY BINDING! (November 2016) The Paris agreement on climate change enters into force on Friday, marking the first time that governments have agreed legally binding limits to global temperature rises. The passage of the accord - the fruit of more than two decades of often tortuous international negotiations on combating climate change - was hailed by nations and observers around the world. Under the agreement, all governments that have ratified ... (Full article here)
Contrairement à Obama, Trump est un ami non-politique des dirigeants israéliens.
Et pour avoir la paix dans le monde, ce que n'a pas réussi Obama, Trump le réussira... et les pays arabes voisins se soumettront, non sans une sanglante guerre contre Israël auparavant, faisant plusieurs centaines de milliers de morts, puis l'autorité chrétienne, s'élèvera pour la paix.
Les États-unis (l'Image) obéiront aux ordres du Vatican (la Bête).
Il faut savoir que des milliers de citoyens iraniens, saoudiens, irakiens, égyptiens et d'autres ailleurs, comme des moines bouddhistes tibétains, se convertissent au Christianisme. Beaucoup d'entre-eux participent déjà aux églises souterraines. Et on le voit partout maintenant, les Chrétiens du Moyen-Orient s'affichent et s'affirment. Et ils connaissent les danger de le faire. Mais il faut que la Parole de Vérité (Jésus est le Chemin, la Vérité, la Vie éternelle et la Résurrection [Jean 14:6 ; Jean 11:25]) soit entendue et comprise de tous pour être sauvés. Alors viendra la fin du monde [Matthieu 24:14 ; Apocalypse 14:6].
Publiée le 18 nov. 2016 (23:54) vo.en w. s.-t.fr "Trump s'adresse au lobby pro-israélien des États-unis"
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