Saturday, February 25, 2017

Faith, Listen facts of my belief

Here are some reasons for my worship towards God

Every one of these incredible facts confirm that the Bible is the inspired Word of God. The Bible is truly a miraculous book which was written by a number of inspired men of God and maintains perfect harmony. Moreover, hundreds of prophecies have been dramatically fulfilled testifying that God inspired it. In addition, the Bible has stood the test of time even though people tried to destroy it. 

Publiée le 10 août 2016

What happens when you die ? Is there an afterlife ? Do people wander around as ghosts ? Does man have an immortal soul ? Do people go straight to Heaven or Hell when they die ? The Bible has the answers ! 

Publiée le 21 oct. 2016

The Bible indicates that the second coming of Jesus will come at a time when most do not expect. Most will look up and say, "I knew He was coming. I just didn't know it would be so soon !" The signs of the times are blaring at us like sirens and flashing like neon lights in the night. The worst is yet to come, but so is the best ! Get ready. 

Publiée le 13 avr. 2015

As the son of a pastor, I remember hearing about the second coming of Jesus Christ as preachers such as Billy Graham preached about the return of Jesus to massive crowds. However, after all these years, Jesus has not yet returned. Find out why by watching this video ! 

Publiée le 14 mai 2016

Is Heaven a place where disembodied spirits sit on puffy clouds playing harps ?
Are we just going to float around for all eternity with nothing to do ? What will Heaven look like ?
Publiée le 16 fév. 2017

Pastor Mark Fox at Amazing Prophecies :

Behold the End

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