Saturday, September 17, 2016

Islam, La France aime le burkini

Comment se faire des enn…amis !

Alors que le dossier du burkini est un sujet brûlant, une certaine population nargue la société de droits et de libertés…

Publiée le 22 août 2016 (3:44) "Itsi, Bitsi, petit burkini, Sophia Aram sur France Inter" 

Publiée le 23 août 2016 (2:12) "Burkini vu par Charlie Hebdo, Natacha Polony sur Europe 1" 

Nature, Météo planétaire en Août 2016

Ça s'est passé en Août 2016 
It happened in August 2016...

While TV audiences were distracted by the Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro and the farcical build-up to the US presidential election, the relentless pace of increasing extreme weather events around the world continued in August. Among the trends in environmental upheaval in August, we observed :
  • A record-breaking number of tornadoes in the US for August,
  • Another "1-in-1 000-year flood event", this time in Louisiana, 
    Fire Tornado...
  • A destructive earthquake in central Italy,
  • The fastest comet ever recorded,
  • Lots more lightning deaths, including an entire herd of reindeer in southern Norway,
  • Three massive sinkholes opening up to swallow (and kill) people in China,
  • Intense storms hitting many world capitals, including record rainfalls in Macedonia and Moscow,
  • Raging wildfires across the western Mediterranean and western US...

These were just some of the signs in August 2016.

Publiée le 12 sept. 2016 (22:10) vo.eng "SOTT Earth Changes Summary - August 2016" 

En français 

Alors que les téléspectateurs ont été distraits par les Jeux olympiques d'été à Rio de Janeiro et la montée en puissance de la farce de l'élection présidentielle étasunienne, le rythme implacable de l'augmentation des phénomènes météorologiques extrêmes dans le monde a continué en août. Parmi les tendances dans les bouleversements environnementaux, le mois dernier, nous avons observé : 

  • Un nombre record de tornades aux États-Unis pour un mois d'août, 
  • Une autre inondation « qui n'arrive qu'une fois tous les 1 000 ans », cette fois en Louisiane aux États-Unis,
  • Un tremblement de terre destructeur dans le centre de l'Italie, 
  • La comète la plus rapide jamais enregistrée, 
  • Beaucoup plus de morts dus à la foudre, y compris un troupeau entier de rennes dans le sud de la Norvège, 
  • Trois dolines massives qui s'ouvrent pour avaler (et tuer) les gens en Chine, 
  • De fortes tempêtes qui frappent de nombreuses capitales dans le monde, y compris des précipitations record en Macédoine et à Moscou, 
  • Des feux de forêt intenses à travers l'ouest des États-Unis et l'ouest de la Méditerranée... 
Ce sont quelques-uns des signes d'août 2016. 

Publiée le 18 sept. 2016 (22:10) vo.eng "Résumé SOTT - Août 2016"

[FAIR USE NOTICE : We do not claim ownership of the footage contained in this mash-up video. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this video and SOTT Media channel is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. Not withstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phono-records or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright. DMCA Takedowns and other copyright claims are HARASSMENT when initiated by a copyright holder for the purpose of using their copyright to infringe upon the Constitutional Rights of others (see also : Bill of Rights, US Constitution) by way of malicious attacks and are in direct violation of Fair Use Law.] 

Friday, September 16, 2016

Islam, Gaza, Comment égorger un Juif

Devoirs de vacances financés par l’ONU à Gaza : comment bien égorger un Juif.

Le site de veille Memri1 a diffusé le contenu des colonies de vacances organisées par le mouvement terroriste Hamas à Gaza. 

Au menu :
comment égorger un Juif selon les règles, comment devenir sniper pour assassiner B. Netanyahu et autres réjouissances

Alors qu’une partie non négligeable de l’aide internationale, que ce soit par le biais d’ONG ou de branches diverses et variées de l’ONU, atterrit tout droit dans les caisses du Hamas, l’utilisation de ces fonds laisse perplexe. 

Le 16 juillet 2016, la branche militaire du mouvement terroriste Hamas, les Brigades Izz Al-Din Al-Qassam, a ouvert les portes de ses colonies de vacances nommés « Pionniers de la Libération » à Gaza. Les jeunes palestiniens ont bien travaillé, le rythme a été soutenu pendant deux semaines, au cours desquelles 30 000 enfants et adolescents se sont entraînés au maniement des armes à feu et autres activités terroristes.

Les organisateurs ne se cachent pas : « l’objectif des colonies est d’attiser la flamme du djihad parmi la génération de la libération, d’inculquer les valeurs islamiques et de préparer l’armée de la victoire pour libérer la Palestine. » 

Voici quelques photographies qui démontrent l’application à la tâche de la jeunesse palestinienne. 


La scène se déroule devant le village arabe de Bil’in en Samarie où chaque vendredi depuis des années, des manifestants palestiniens épaulés par des activistes de gauche et des anarchistes, se réunissent et tentent de provoquer les soldats de Tsahal devant les caméras. Cette fois c’est un père palestinien qui pousse son garçonnet de 3 ou 4 ans devant les militaires et leur crie « tuez-le, abattez-le, tirez ! ». Ces images filmées par plusieurs caméras des chaines internationales ne seront bien évidemment, jamais diffusées. D'autant que la réaction des soldats (et celle du bambin) n’est pas vraiment celle qu’attendaient les fauteurs de trouble. Les premiers se contentant de caresser la tête de l’enfant et le second jetant des pierres dans toutes les directions mais pas vers les soldats…

Publiée le 31 juil. 2016 (1:17) vo. "Un père palestinien pousse son fils vers les soldats du Tsahal pour en faire un martyr"

1. Memri TV (eng) , Memri TV (fr) , Memri Institute (eng) , Memri YouTube 

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Islam, Religion of genocide

Islam : The Religion of Genocide 

In fact, no ideology has been as genocidal as Islam 

Muslims massacred 669 million non-muslims since 622 a.d.. 52 years after Mohammad birth... Coïncidence ? No.
In the total numbers we have updated over 80 million Christians killed by Muslims in 500 years in the Balkan states, Hungary, Ukraine, Russia

India. The official estimate number of Muslim slaughters of Hindus is 80 million. However, Muslim historian Firistha (born in 1570) wrote (in either Tarikh-i Firishta or the Gulshan-i Ibrahim) that Muslims slaughtered over 400 million Hindus up to the peak of Islamic rule of India, bringing the Hindu population down from 600 million to 200 million at the time. 

With these new additions the Muslim genocide of non-Muslims since the birth of Mohammad would be over 669 million murders. 

The Muslim genocide of non-muslims since the birth of Mohammad,
 would be over 669 million murders.

669 000 000 victims.

Never forget what ISLAM means : PEACE.

Do YOU think that... :
  • Spanish Inquisition, was she the worst ? 
More people are killed by Islamists each year than in all 350 years of the Spanish Inquisition combined
The Spanish inquisition (Tribunal del Santo Oficio de la Inquisición1) from 1478 to 1834 was established due to muslim invasions. It was the war and battle to try and end Islamic infiltration, Arab fascism and conquest. It’s quite interesting how similar to muslims their methodology was. Was it habit by long association under muslim rule or a strategy ?

Note : The Spanish Inquisition was an answer to the multi-religious nature of Spanish society following the reconquest of the Iberian Peninsula from the Muslim Moors. 

After invading in 711, large areas of the Iberian Peninsula were ruled by Muslims until 1250, when they were restricted to Granada, which fell in 1492. However, the Reconquista did not result in the total expulsion of Muslims from Spain, since they, along with the enslaved Jews, were tolerated by the ruling Christian elite. 
Large cities, especially Seville, Valladolid and Barcelona, had significant Jewish populations centered in Juderia. Muslims tried to take control throughout the entire country and expand into France to install an islamic state wherever they went.
To expel the vicious Islamic parasite from the nation the Tribunal killed anyone and everyone who were suspected of being contaminated by Islam, even those enslaved by the muslims.

The Inquisition not only hunted for Protestants and for false converts from Judaism among the conversos, but also searched for false or relapsed converts among the Moriscos [Moors], forced converts from Islam. Many Moriscos were suspected of practising Islam in secret. They killed anyone suspected of being traitors or disguised moles. No one was spared.

So successful was the enterprise in 1609, in the space of months, Spain was emptied of its Moriscos. Expelled were the Moriscos of Aragon, Murcia, Catalonia, Castile, Mancha and Extremadura.
In other words, the Spanish inquisition saved the entire region from being taken over by Islamic rule. It was a brutal but quintessentially heroic act in history that saw the sacrifice of millions of people to exterminate Islam fully and completely from the land. It took them nearly 400 years. 

Imagine the sheer volume of muslims in the country for it to take almost four centuries to get rid of them.
  • The KKK has been bad since 1950 ? Islamic terrorists murder more people every day than the Ku Klux Klan has in the last 50 years2
  • The KKK was bad from 1865-1965 ? Islamists killed more Buddhists in Thailand since 9/11 than the KKK killed in the 100 YEARS from 1865 to 19653
  • The IRA’s terror campaign and the sectarian violence in Northern Ireland was bad ? More civilians were killed by Muslim extremists in two hours on September 11th than in the 36 years of sectarian conflict in Northern Ireland4
  • Capital punishment in the USA is barbaric ? The 19 Muslim hijackers killed more innocents in two hours on September 11th than the number of American criminals executed in the state of Virginia since 16085.

It’s actually much worse than that : The Tears of Jihad6These figures are a rough estimate of the death of non-Muslims by the political act of jihad :

Thomas Sowell [Thomas Sowell, Race and Culture, BasicBooks, 1994, p. 188] estimates that 11 million slaves were shipped across the Atlantic and 14 million were sent to the Islamic nations of North Africa and the Middle East. 

For every slave captured many others died. 

Estimates of this collateral damage vary. The renowned missionary David Livingstone estimated that for every slave who reached a plantation, five others were killed in the initial raid or died of illness and privation on the forced march. [Woman’s Presbyterian Board of Missions, David Livingstone, p. 62, 1888] 

Those who were left behind were the very young, the weak, the sick and the old. These soon died since the main providers had been killed or enslaved. 

So, for 25 million slaves delivered to the market, we have an estimated death of about 120 million people. Islam ran the wholesale slave trade in Africa. 

120 million Africans 

The number of Christians martyred by Islam is 9 million [David B. Barrett, Todd M. Johnson,World Christian Trends AD 30-AD 2200, William Carey Library, 2001, p. 230, table 4-10].
A rough estimate by Raphael Moore in History of Asia Minor is that another 50 million died in wars by jihad. 

So counting the million African Christians killed in the 20th century we have :
59 million Christians in Asia Minor 
80 million Christians killed by Muslims during 500 years in the Balkan states, Hungary, Ukraine, Russia

139 million Christians 

[This calculation does not include the Arab biological warfare of the middle ages where enslaved and infected Jews, riddled with plague, were dumped across Europe in regions that had no Jewish origin or settlers. They carried the disease from the brutal Arab slave trade and were part of the enslaved blacks, Christians and Jews who managed to survive by paying jizya7. These diseased people were then spread into Europe during muslim efforts to conquer the Italian coast (Venice), Greece, Spain, etc. The plague ended up killing half of the entire population of Europe.] 

Koenard Elst in Negationism in India gives an estimate of 80 million Hindus killed in the total jihad against India. [Koenard Elst, Negationism in India, Voice of India, New Delhi, 2002, pg. 34.] 
The country of India today is only half the size of ancient India, due to jihad. The mountains near India are called the Hindu Kush, meaning the “funeral pyre of the Hindus.”
80 million Hindus + adjusted 320 million = 400 million Hindus

Swami Vivekananda,
né Narendranath Datta.
[UPDATE : According to reports from the 1899 in a statement made by Indian religious leader Swami Vivekananda (1863-1902)8quoting Muslim historian Firistha, Muslims slaughtered over 400 million Hindus during an 800 year Muslim rule, bringing a population down from 600 million to 200 million at the time. Firishta wrote the Tarikh-i Firishta and the Gulshan-i Ibrahim. If Muslims indeed slaughtered over 400 million people in India, the Muslim genocide around the world would exceed 890 million victims.
« When the Mohammedans first came we were said - I think on the authority of Firishta, the oldest Mohammedan historian - to have been six hundred millions of Hindus. Now we are about two hundred millions» — An interview of Swami Vivekananda, published in Prabuddha Bharat. April, 1899 and compiled under heading ‘On the Bounds of Hinduism’.] 

400 million Hindus

Buddhists do not keep up with the history of war. Keep in mind that in jihad only Christians and Jews were allowed to survive as dhimmis (servants to Islam) ; everyone else had to convert or die.
Jihad killed the Buddhists in Turkey, Afghanistan, along the Silk Route, and in India.
The total is roughly 10 million. [David B. Barrett, Todd M. Johnson, World Christian Trends AD 30-AD 2200, William Carey Library, 2001, p. 230, table 4-1.] 

10 million Buddhists 

Oddly enough there were not enough Jews killed in jihad to significantly affect the totals of the Great Annihilation. The jihad in Arabia was 100 percent effective, but the numbers were in the thousands, not millions.
After that, the Jews submitted and became the dhimmis (servants and second class citizens) of Islam and did not have geographic political power. 

This gives a rough estimate of 669+ million killed by jihad

Missing Data : 
  1. Persians. 
  2. Muslims invaded and occupied the peace-loving Persians, the followers of Zorohaustra
  3. Christians in the Middle East.
  4. Chinese during the mongul invasions.
Plus Muslims have slaughtered 11 million other Muslims since 1948 in addition to the 669 million+ non-Muslims they have murdered over the centuries. 

Têtes décapitées de Chrétiens 

How many Muslims they (the jihadists) have murdered over 1 400 years, is unknown

590 000 000 : that’s way more than Stalin (U.S.S.R.), Hitler (III Reich), Mao Zedong (Pop. Rep. of China), Pol Pot (Communist Party of Kampuchea), Idi Amin Dada (despotic 'butcher of Uganda', a sunni muslim), and the rest of the 20th century’s genocidal socialists ! 
And it doesn’t stop there. The killing by muslims around the world continues to this day. 

For good reasons, the left (in politic) loves to hate the spanish inquisition, the KKK, and there are even good arguments against capital punishment in the USA (though I support it !).
The left has no problem calling the spanish inquisition and the KKK and capital punishment barbaric.
So why don’t they criticize Islam - which is demonstrably worse than all three combined !?!?

In fact, no ideology has been as genocidal as Islam…
The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini9
met with German Führer Adolf Hitler
 in the Reich Chancellery in Berlin (November 28, 1941) 

Hitler's Grand-mufti nephew is Yasser Arafat...
Nor has any ideology been so bloodthirsty for so long. For centuries…!
Nor has any ideology ever been as anti-liberty, anti-democracy - or as anti-woman. 

It’s time it was stopped. For good. 

Muslim decapitation of  1.5 - 2 million Christians in Armenia. This genocide was marketed by the Grand Mufti al-Husseini9 to Hitler and the Nazi’s and adapted for the Jews - which ended up creating the holocaust. 
Prior to being associated with al-Husseini, Hitler had not committed arrests or persecution of the Jewish people. The genocide was initiated after Hitler’s association and collaboration with muslims and their jihad army offered as Nazi collaborators. Source1, Source2 

7. Jizya (eng) ; Djizîa (fr) 
8. Swami Vivekananda (eng) ; Swami Vivekananda (fr) ; il est franc-maçon.
9. Grand Mufti of Jerusalem al-Husseini (eng) ; Amin al-Husseini (fr) arabe palestinien et anti-juif convaincu, ayant collaboré avec les Nazis pour sacrifier les Juifs. Il est l'oncle de Yasser Arafat !!! 

ATTENTION : certains liens sont très choquants, et 18+.

Historical facts and Comparisons :
How many times Muslims invaded Europe vs. Europeans invaded Muslim countries.
Islamics Launched their Crusades in 630 A.D. Western Crusades started in 1095 A.D. to Stop Muslim Invasion. Crusades were a defensive action against the forcible expansion of Islam into territories that had been part of Christendom for centuries.
The Crusades were started by the Muslims in the year 630 A.D. when Muhammad invaded and conquered Mecca.

Later on, Muslims invaded Syria, Iraq, Jerusalem, Iran, Egypt, Africa, Spain, Italy, France, etc. The Western Crusades started around 1095 to try to stop the Islamic aggressive invasions. Islamic Crusades continued even after the Western Crusade. Islam has killed about 270 million people : 120 million Africans, 60 million Christians, 80 million Hindus, 10 million Buddhists, etc*.

Publiée le 19 oct.2014 (3:43) vo.eng "How many times Muslims invaded Europe vs. Europeans invaded Muslim countries ?" 

*. Muslim crusades started four centuries (400 years earlier) before the western (Christian) crusades.

Life of Eastern European people before the Muslim (Tartars, Ottomans, Arabs, ...) occupation and slavery

Publiée le 21 déc. 2015 (66:36) vo Documentary "Eastern Europe before muslim slavery and colonization"

Can you believe it ? The Vatican created Islam to annihilate the Jews and Christians who rejected the Roman religion : Catholicism.

Publiée le 17 mai 2013 (9:32) vo.eng "Quran & Bukhari prove Rome created Islam" 

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Politique, Un Chrétien doit-il voter ?

Should a Christian Vote ?

By pastor Doug Batchelor, Amazing Facts.

John / Jean 18 :36
It’s that dreaded time again… when Americans will be heading to the polls to decide which politicians will be tasked with leading the nation and their local communities.
But in this especially contentious political season, some Christians are wondering if they should vote at all - especially when everything and everyone seems like the wrong choice.

After all, didn’t Jesus say this world was not our home ?

Should Christians vote ? What does the Bible say ?

Pastor Doug Batchelor and Amazing Facts present this inspiring, practical guide for Christians pondering about their role in the political process. 

Publiée le 9 sept. 2016 (58:29) vo.eng w. autosub. option "Should a Christian vote ?" 

Personally, I will always vote because it's my right, but above all, my privilege.
Knowing that all politicians are corrupt, I make personalized emoticons, smileys.
This cancel my vote, and places it in the blank votes.

Personnellement, je vais toujours voter parce que c'est mon droit, mais surtout, mon privilège.
Mais sachant que tous ces politiciens sont corrompus, je fais des emoticones personalisés.
Cela annule mon vote, et le place dans les votes blancs.